As part of our commitment to participating in and supporting our local community, we offer the church buildings as a resource to the local community.
Local organisations or individuals may use the premises at the discretion of the church elders. The premises are not available for commercial or business use.
The Church buildings
The new community room ‘The Mulberry Room’ is now available. It has a separate entrance on Crown Square and is fully accessible with a kitchen area for preparation of hot drinks and with its own accessible toilet. It is available for small groups of up to about 20 or 12 around a table.
The Hall and kitchen are now back in use for larger groups and activities and for suitable activities the church sanctuary will continue to be available as a multi-function space.
Hire Charges per session are as follows:
- Hall £20
- Mulberry Room £10
- Church £25
- Kitchen for serving tea/coffee Free
- Kitchen for parties or preparing and/or serving serving meals £30
Discounts may be available for charities and social groups by arrangement.
The buildings are kept locked and access will be confirmed at the time of booking.
Safeguarding Policy
All bookings involving children, young people and vulnerable adults are required to have a Safeguarding Policy. For further information please contact the Church Safeguarding Officer.
Please read our Terms and Conditions of use (currently being updated – please contact Booking secretary below for information).
Bookings can be made by telephone to Malcolm Benson – 01865 873843.
or using the form below: