Baptism (or christening as it is sometimes known, especially for infants) is the acceptance on the part of a believer or by parents on behalf of their infants of the grace of God in their lives.
By its nature baptism can only be carried out once, so whatever Christian denomination you were baptised in, your baptism is recognised by all others.
Both infant and believer’s baptism have been practised by Christians from earliest times and the URC supports and practises both.
Adults seeking baptism will often want to undertake a time of preparation, and the minister can advise and help with this.
For all, baptism is a moment of great joy and celebration. For parents bringing their children for baptism it is also a time of thanksgiving for the life of their child and blessing on the child.
For some parents, who would wish their child to be of full age before baptism, a service of blessing or naming of the child is more appropriate.
If you would like to know more about URC baptism, see ‘The Manual’: Guidance on Baptism and the Basis of Union
If you would like to bring your child for baptism or a service of blessing, or become baptised yourself then do please contact us.