“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it;” Psalm 24:1
The Care for the World Ministry Team aim ‘to keep issues of justice, peace and the integrity of creation at the forefront of Wheatley URC’s thinking and action’ and to do this in a number of ways, including by:
- leading the church’s Commitment for Life project to support the Falcon Junior School Zimbabwe

- keeping the congregation informed, through our monthly church newsletter and the church website, about current campaigns being run by Commitment for Life, Christian Aid, Amnesty International, Oasis of Peace and similar organizations, plus local events which might be of relevance.
- taking an active role in persuading the church to become more environment- and conservation-friendly.
- supporting Christian Aid especially during Christian Aid Week each year.
- holding our own, or supporting other, Fairtrade Foundation’s events during Fairtrade Fortnight each year.
- actively supporting the Oxford Community Emergency Foodbank to help people through a crisis in providing them with food parcels.
- holding an event every year to celebrate One World Week.
- preparing and hosting the annual Women’s World Day of Prayer service.