Community & Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care is the hand of friendship extended by the Minister, Elders and members of the church to each other and the local community.  It includes: visiting the sick and housebound, helping in small ways, assisting to get professional help where necessary, praying with and for the person.

Often it is at times of major life events that people feel moved to recognise in themselves a need for spiritual as well as practical support.  Such times may include the birth of a child,  committing to another in marriage, or when they or a close friend or relative is dying.

Please see our pages on Baptism, Marriage or Bereavement for further help and advice.


The United Reformed Church has a well-developed system of providing pastoral care to members and adherents.  In addition to the minister, several members of the church are chosen by the whole church and ordained, amongst other duties, to befriend and care for a group of their fellow members.  In this way it is hoped that at all times there will be someone to whom each member of the congregation may turn in time of joy, sadness or personal difficulty.

All elders commit to preserving confidentiality.  Current elders are listed in our Who’s Who.

We are committed to being a safe place for children and vulnerable people.  Wheatley URC Safeguarding Policy.