The history of Wheatley URC has been traced to early non-conformists who met in a room over The Sun public house in Wheatley. Later they converted an old tanning barn to a church and we still meet in the same building, which has, of course, undergone many extensions and restorations over the years, most recently in 1997.
John Fox, a local historian, wrote a history of the URC in Wheatley when we were celebrating our bicentennial. You can download ‘From Tanning Barn To Church’ in PDF format.
A card is available pointing out some items of interest around the buildings. You can download the ‘Wheatley URC History and guide‘ card in PDF format.
Family History
Some of our older records, including Sunday school registers and minute books have been deposited in Oxfordshire Record Office. They also have some old photographs of the church buildings.