In July 1998, a local ecumenical partnership was signed between the URC and the Anglican churches of Wheatley and Holton. This was a step in the increased sharing of our Christian faith and it had the support and blessing of the other village churches. We now share in worship and in the sacrament of Holy Communion on a regular basis. Our representative attends St Mary’s PCC and they send someone to our church meetings.
Shared worship includes joint services held on 5th Sundays hosted in rotation by each of the three churches in the partnership and a simple evening worship hosted in the home of one of our members on the other Sunday evenings.
The Revd. Colin Thompson, minister in secular employment and non-stipendiary associate minister of Wheatley URC, is licensed to lead worship and serve in the Anglican churches in the LEP.
For many years one of our members, Dr. Richard Bainbridge has been a Licensed Lay Reader in the Anglican Church and regularly preaches in local Anglican and Methodist churches as well as the URC.
A review of the LEP was undertaken in 2005 and it was agreed to extend it for a further 7 years.